
In 23rd of april chamber choir “Tonika” will present concert “Emovere” or “Thrill”. We would like to welcome everyone to join us to this concert. We want to thrill you with music, passion and love. In concert you will hear music which we are preparing for our competition performance in “Venezia in Musica” competition in Italy- Italian composers Battista Pradal`s and Orlando Dipiazza`s compositions and also you will hear Selgas…
Read More →Easter is a promise God renews to us in each spring. May the promise of Easter fill your heart with peace and joy! Happy holidays to you and your family- love and be loved in this time of the year!
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For Chamber choir “Tonika” this year is filled with lots of concerts and other events. In april we are going to international choir competition and festival “Venezia in Musica”, in summer we are participating in latvian song and dance festival and we can`t forget about our summer camp and other concerts and events throughout the year. If you want to take part in all these activities you have to join…
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